By BeJoy

“There is no deity except Allah. To Him belong the most beautiful names” (Qur’an 20:8). Among the various verses of the holy Qur’an, there are mentioned no less than 99 names (or attributes) of God. Talking about the virtues of these names, Prophet Mohammed affirmed that “whoever believes in their meanings and acts accordingly, will enter Paradise” (Hadith – Sahih Bukhari 8:419).

In this holy month of Ramadan, when hundreds of millions are practicing purity and austerities, let us appreciate these beautiful names of God and meditate on them:

1.  The All-Compassionate     (Ar-Rahman)
2.  The All-Merciful          (Ar-Rahim)
3.  The Absolute Ruler        (Al-Malik)
4.  The Pure One              (Al-Quddus)
5.  The Source of Peace       (As-Salam)
6.  The Inspirer of Faith     (Al-Mu’min)
7.  The Guardian              (Al-Muhaymin)
8.  The Victorious            (Al-Aziz)
9.  The Compeller             (Al-Jabbar)
10. The Greatest              (Al-Mutakabbir)
11. The Creator               (Al-Khaliq)
12. The Maker of Order        (Al-Bari’)
13. The Shaper of Beauty      (Al-Musawwir)
14. The Forgiving             (Al-Ghaffar)
15. The Subduer               (Al-Qahhar)
16. The Giver of All          (Al-Wahhab)
17. The Sustainer             (Ar-Razzaq)
18. The Opener                (Al-Fattah)
19. The Knower of All         (Al-`Alim)
20. The Constrictor           (Al-Qabid)
21. The Reliever              (Al-Basit)
22. The Abaser                (Al-Khafid)
23. The Exalter               (Ar-Rafi)
24. The Bestower of Honors    (Al-Mu’izz)
25. The Humiliator            (Al-Mudhill)
26. The Hearer of All         (As-Sami)

 27. The Seer of All           (Al-Basir)28. The Judge                 (Al-Hakam)
29. The Just                  (Al-Adl)
30. The Subtle One            (Al-Latif)
31. The All-Aware             (Al-Khabir)
32. The Forbearing            (Al-Halim)
33. The Magnificent           (Al-Azim)
34. The Forgiver and Hider of Faults (Al-Ghafur)
35. The Rewarder of Thankfulness (Ash-Shakur)
36. The Highest               (Al-Ali)
37. The Greatest              (Al-Kabir)
38. The Preserver             (Al-Hafiz)
39. The Nourisher             (Al-Muqit)
40. The Accounter             (Al-Hasib)
41. The Mighty                (Al-Jalil)
42. The Generous              (Al-Karim)
43. The Watchful One          (Ar-Raqib)
44. The Responder to Prayer   (Al-Mujib)
45. The All-Comprehending     (Al-Wasi)
46. The Perfectly Wise        (Al-Hakim)
47. The Loving One            (Al-Wadud)
48. The Majestic One          (Al-Majid)
49. The Resurrector           (Al-Ba’ith)
50. The Witness               (Ash-Shahid)
51. The Truth                 (Al-Haqq)
52. The Trustee               (Al-Wakil)
53. The Possessor of All Strength (Al-Qawiyy)
54. The Forceful One          (Al-Matin)
55. The Governor              (Al-Waliyy)
56. The Praised One           (Al-Hamid)
57. The Appraiser             (Al-Muhsi)
58. The Originator            (Al-Mubdi’)
59. The Restorer              (Al-Mu’id)
60. The Giver of Life         (Al-Muhyi)
61. The Taker of Life         (Al-Mumit)
62. The Ever Living One       (Al-Hayy)
63. The Self-Existing One     (Al-Qayyum)
64. The Finder                (Al-Wajid)
65. The Glorious              (Al-Majid)
66. The One, The Unique, Manifestation of Unity (Al-Wahid)
67. The One, the All Inclusive, The Indivisible (Al-Ahad)
68. The Satisfier of All Needs (As-Samad)
69. The All Powerful          (Al-Qadir)
70. The Creator of All Power  (Al-Muqtadir)
71. The Expediter             (Al-Muqaddim)
72. The Delayer               (Al-Mu’akhkhir)
73. The First                 (Al-Awwal)
74. The Last                  (Al-Akhir)
75. The Manifest One          (Az-Zahir)
76. The Hidden One            (Al-Batin)
77. The Protecting Friend     (Al-Wali)
78. The Supreme One           (Al-Muta’ali)
79. The Doer of Good          (Al-Barr)
80. The Guide to Repentance   (At-Tawwab)
81. The Avenger               (Al-Muntaqim)
82. The Forgiver              (Al-‘Afuww)
83. The Clement               (Ar-Ra’uf)
84. The Owner of All          (Malik-Al-Mulk)
85. The Lord of Majesty and Bounty (Dhu-Al-Jalal wa-Al-Ikram)
86. The Equitable One         (Al-Muqsit)
87. The Gatherer              (Al-Jami’)
88. The Rich One              (Al-Ghani)
89. The Enricher              (Al-Mughni)
90. The Preventer of Harm     (Al-Mani’)
91. The Creator of The Harmful (Ad-Darr)
92. The Creator of Good       (An-Nafi’)
93. The Light                 (An-Nur)
94. The Guide                 (Al-Hadi)
95. The Originator            (Al-Badi)
96. The Everlasting One       (Al-Baqi)
97. The Inheritor of All      (Al-Warith)
98. The Righteous Teacher     (Ar-Rashid)
99. The Patient One           (As-Sabur)


  1. Some particular names are interesting: they have an undertone of an impersonal aspect. Al-Baqi (99), Al-Muta'ali (78), Al-Qayyum (63), Al-Hayy (62) etc. Also there are pairs of names that go together: Ad-Darr (91) & An-Nafi (92), Al-Muhyi (60) & Al-Mumit (61). Such depcition of God as transcending the pairs of opposites is also seen in Upanishads: "greater than the greatest, smaller than the smallest" etc. I found a good description of these names with quotes from saints here:

  2. Some particular names are interesting: they have an undertone of an
    impersonal aspect. Al-Baqi (99), Al-Muta'ali (78), Al-Qayyum (63),
    Al-Hayy (62) etc. Also there are pairs of names that go together:
    Ad-Darr (91) & An-Nafi (92), Al-Muhyi (60) & Al-Mumit (61). Such
    depcition of God as transcending the pairs of opposites is also seen in
    Upanishads: "greater than the greatest, smaller than the smallest" etc.
    I found a good description of these names with quotes from saints here:

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