Vedanta Society of Providence, a non-profit spiritual organization, was founded by Swami Akhilananda in 1928 to spread the universal message of Vedanta in Rhode Island and beyond. It is a branch of the Ramakrishna Order founded in the late 19th century in India.
Vedanta Society preaches the ancient ideals and practices of Vedanta applicable in modern times as illustrated by the life of Sri Ramakrishna and propagated by his most illustrious disciple Swami Vivekananda. People of various religious/spiritual backgrounds over many centuries have been practicing the universal non-denominational teachings of Vedanta that deal with both the Personal and Impersonal conceptions of God in various forms (and formless too). This verse in Rig Veda epitomizes the nature of all-inclusive Vedanta teachings: एकं सत् विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति (ekaṃ sat viprā bahudhā vadanti) - Truth is one, people call it by various names.

Thus Vedanta Society, through its various activities, strives to achieve a twin objective of working for one's own enlightenment and reducing strife in this afflicted world by promoting harmony among people as per the motto of the Ramakrishna Order: आत्मनो मोक्षार्थं जगत् हिताय च (ātmano mokṣārthaṃ jagat hitāya ca) - For one's own salvation and for the welfare of the world.
To know more about Vedanta and Vedanta Society of Providence, please click here.
All are welcome for all programs. There is no fee for any program unless otherwise stated. Children's room is available for all programs.
Vedanta Society accepts online donations. All donations are tax-deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.
Donations via PayPal ( Not for Retreat Fees )
Donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.
Your donations will be remitted directly into our bank a/c. Please click the logo below:
We are grateful for your generous support and blessings.
Swami Yogatmananada travels widely spreading the message of Vedanta to seekers
The following programs resume September 10th
Tuesdays 7 pm – 8:45 pm:
Arati, meditation and study class on
"The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna"
Fridays 7 pm – 8:45 pm:
Arati, meditation and study class on
"Stories from Srimad Bhagavatam"
Silent Meditation Sessions

WEEKLY SCHEDULE (Sept to June 2025)
Programs resume starting September 07, 2024
Daily 5:45 - 7:20 AM
Monday 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Wednesday 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Thursday 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Saturday 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday & Friday, 7:00 - 7:30 PM
followed by class from 07:30 to 08:30
Sunday no meditation at 7 PM
Doors are locked!
see the Sunday details on the Monthly Calendar
Day-long meditation session
First Saturday (usually**) of every month
12:00 noon - 8:00 PM
**if the first Saturday has a special program the Day-long meditation
will be moved to the second Saturday.
Swami Yogatmananada conducts occasional retreats/classes at various Vedanta Centers and groups.
Follow for updates on the Upcoming Events page here.
Latest Lecture
Karma Yoga & Guided Meditation
8:30 - 10:30 AM: Karma Yoga (volunteering)
11:00 AM - 12:00 noon: Guided Meditation & Prayers
Children's Program
Program may be restarted in 2024.
Check this web page for updates.
First SUNDAY of every month (usually, currently suspended)
4:00 - 6:00 PM: Activities guided by experienced teachers
Library & Store
Open 30 minutes before a Chapel program
Library & Bookstore: Books on Vedanta and other religions, meta-physics and philosophy. Audio/Video lectures, pictures, incense, pendants etc. also available in bookstore.
Yoga Sessions
Hatha Yoga Classes
Resume on Sept 19, 2023
Tuesdays: 5:00 - 6:00pm
Fee: $10:00/class, $100.00/15 classes.
Appropriate for all levels
e-Holy Company
Online resources of e-books, audio-books, music and videos on Vedanta
Meet the Swami
Personal/Group guidance in meditation & spiritual life by appointments
Have a Question?
If you have questions regarding spiritual life, Hinduism/Vedanta and Vedanta Society,
please write to us:
Vedanta Society of Connecticut
Swami Yogatmananda conducts monthly Satsang: Worship, Music and Discussion