09-02 Ridgley Manor Retreat 09-04 Krishna Festival Opening Remarks 09-04 Krishna Festival Music Offerings 09-04 Krishna Festival Music Offerings 09-04 Krishna Festival Music Offerings 09-04 Krishna’s Life in Dance 09-04 Krishna Festival Talk 1 09-04 Krishna Festival Talk 2 09-04 Puja and Food Offering 09-04 Concert by Chinmay Swaranjali 09-04 Krishna Festival Devotees 09-04 Swami with Chinmay Swaranjali 09-10 Vedanta Society CT 09-10 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-10 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-10 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-10 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-10 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-10 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-10 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-10 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-10 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-10 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-10 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-13 Swami Medhananda VS of S. CA 09-17 Sw. Atmajnananda Rio de Janeiro Brazil Center 09-17 Sw. Atmajnananda Rio de Janeiro Brazil Center 09-24 Tushar Puranik Sunday Guest Speaker 09-30 Retreat on “Shanti Gita” 09-30 Retreat on “Shanti Gita” 09-30 Retreat Lunch and Satsang 09-30 Retreat on “Shanti Gita” 09-30 Retreat on “Shanti Gita”