09-06 Annual Labor Day Retreat Ridgely Manor NY 09-06 Annual Labor Day Retreat Ridgely Manor NY 09-11 Spiritual Retreat on “Dialogues from Brihadaranyaka Upanisad” 09-11 Spiritual Retreat on “Dialogues from Brihadaranyaka Upanisad” 09-11 Spiritual Retreat by Swami Tattwamayananda 09-11 Retreat Music Offerings 09-11 Retreat Music Offering 09-11 Retreat Music Offerings 09-11 Retreat Music Offerings 09-11 Vedantic Tales 09-11 Spiritual Retreat by Swami Tattwamayananda 09-11 Retreat Q and A Session 09-11 Shyaam Naama Sankirtan 09-12 Universal Brotherhood Day Annual Symposium 09-12 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-12 First Symposium Speaker 09-12 Biblical Chant by Steven Schwartz 09-12 Second Symposium Speaker 09-12 Song of Creation 09-12 Third Symposium Speaker 09-12 Universal Brotherhood Day 09-18 Vedanta Society CT Monthly Satsang 09-18 Vedanta Society CT Monthly Satsang 09-26 Annisquam Village Church 09-26 Annisquam Village Church 09-26 Annisquam Village Church