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Book-store is now OPEN: During the Tue/Fri Classes and Sun Services!
Of course, one must enter within the stipulated time given below.


Upcoming Events

Sunday, April 11, 10:30-11:30 am – There Vedanta Society of Connecticut Monthly Program: Swami will speak on the YouTube channel of Vedanta Society of Providence. Topic: I Am the World-destroyer TIME (Based on Bhagavad Gita Ch 11)

Attending Programs at Vedanta Society in Person: (Only those, who have no COVID symptoms and are wearing face-mask allowed)
Entrance door remains open for limited times as follows:

  • Tue & Fri lectures:   6:45 – 7:35 pm
  • Sun services:  4:45 – 5:05 pm
  • Morning meditation :   5:45 – 5:55 am
  • Evening meditation:  6:45 – 7:15 pm (Except Sunday)

For a personal meeting with the Swami, please seek an appointment by emailing: [email protected]

Weekly Schedule (in addition to Daily Schedule given below)

Fri. April 09 7:00 – 8:45 pm: Arati, Meditation and A Study Class on ‘Stories from Srimad Bhagavatam’ by Swami Yogatmananda
Sun. April 11 5:00 – 6:30 pm: Sun service lecture on ‘Virtual Learning’-
by Swami Yogatmananda, followed by the vesper service.
Tue. April 13 7:00 – 8:45 pm: Arati, meditation and regular class on ‘Sri Ramakrishna and His Divine Play’ by Swami Yogatmananda

Daily Schedule

Morning 5:45 – 6:45 AM: Meditation
6:45 – 7:00 AM: Chanting followed by a short reading from The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda
7:00 – 7:25 AM: A short ritual worship/Puja. Open to all, but one must enter before 5:55 am
Evening (Except on Sundays)
7:00 – 7:15 PM: Aarti (devotional music), with a short reading from ‘Uniqueness of Sri Ramakrishna’ by Swami Bhuteshananda
7:15 – 8:00 PM: Meditation. Open to all, but one must enter before 7:10 am

Past Events

Thu, April 01:  Birthday of Swami Yogananda was observed with a special morning chant and the song about apostles of Sri Ramakrishna and bio-reading on Swami Yogananda.

Saturday April 3, Noon to 8:00 pm: Day-long Silent Meditation, Noon-8pm. 13 devotees participated.

Synopses of Past Classes
(All classes given by Swami Yogatmananda)

Fri, April 02 – Stories from Srimad Bhagavatam
Class 50: Dialogue between Devahuti and Kapila


A dialogue is taking place between Kapila, who is God incarnate, and his mother, Devahuti. Devahuti understands that her son is God-incarnate, and therefore asks him how one can achieve liberation from the bondage of “name and form.” How is liberation achieved? What happens to the spiritual aspirant? What are the signs of devotion?”

When we start on a spiritual path, our preferences in life start changing. As understanding comes, our behavior changes. We know that devotion is to be cultivated. We understand that running after sense enjoyments only bring more and more bondage in life. With full understanding, we no longer pursue sense objects. Our focus shifts from frivolities to a meditative, God-centered life. Our attachment to worldly things turns to attachment to holy people; by association, the knowledge of holy people starts flowing to us. Who is the Holy Person? He or she has no attachment except for God; is forbearing in all circumstances; is full of fellow-feeling for all; is overflowing with peace; is inseparably connected to God in Love; is never troubled by affliction. Holy Mother, Sri Sarada Devi, manifests these qualities to the highest possibility. The effect of Holy Company, though inexplicable, is infallible. We don’t understand how this transformation takes place, but its effect is sure to come to fruition. Kapila further explains that by getting in touch with a Holy Person and listening to stories of the Divine Sport from Him, one becomes free from all worldly attachments, gets engaged in Bhakti-practices, remains aloof from sense-enjoyments, and loves God as the indwelling spirit in all.


Sun, Apr 04 Easter lecture, “Sown in Corruption, Raised in Incorruption”

We crave for immortality. It is ingrained in us because it is our true nature. We want to live happily, free from suffering. We have the idea of heaven, where we live forever without suffering. If heaven is a duplication of earth, it will have the same problems. To have no death demands that there be no change. In the body, childhood, adulthood, and old age are expected. Death is also expected. We want to know how to become immortal. God sends his only son, Jesus, to teach that we have to be raised out from the flesh and enshrined in the spirit. Only means that there is none like him among those bound to the flesh. St. Paul said that we are raised from the body. St Paul further said that if Christ is raised from the dead, there must be resurrection from the dead for all, and if Christ was not raised from the dead, then this faith has no meaning at all. We need to cut the identification with the body, going beyond the limitations of the body. We are sown in weakness (our resolve does not last long) and raised to be all-powerful. We need to train the mind to attach to God (the imperishable) and not to the body (the perishable). Attraction to the Unchanging comes from gradual practice. We may need to force ourselves at first. We start by taking the name of God and associating with holy company, and we get accustomed to the Unchanging, and start feeling the attraction for it and finally get established in it. 


Tuesday, Apr 6 – Sri Ramakrishna and His Divine Play
Page # 606-607: Pilgrimage of the Master as a Guru

Sri Ramakrishna had the constant awareness of the all-pervading spiritual entity (God). Along with this, He had the awareness of world, when He was not in Samadhi. Just like an actor who is always aware of his true identity while playing a role in a play. The attitude of teachership (Gurubhaava) was the most pervasive attitude of Sri Ramakrishna in His divine play. His every action was an example for teaching us.  

Sri Ramakrishna says that when one returns from a pilgrimage one should “chew the cud” – keep thinking about the holy associations from the pilgrimage. It helps in strengthening the holy impressions. If you keep thinking about worldly associations from pilgrimage it intensifies them – e.g. if we you keep thinking of good food, it will strengthen the impressions for enjoyment of food. While on a pilgrimage, one should focus on collecting holy Impressions as these places provide both, holy and worldly, experiences. This is possible only when one has devout feelings in the heart. Sri Ramakrishna used to say that one who has it “here” (within one’s heart), has it “there” (site of pilgrimage). Without an intense desire to see God, one does not get any benefit from a pilgrimage. He also said that there is no more spirituality anywhere else than within ‘here’ (pointing to His heart). In a particularized sense this means that there is no greater manifestation of spirituality elsewhere apart from the person of Sri Ramakrishna. In a general sense it means that God dwells in every being and if one cannot kindle the love for God within, one cannot benefit from traveling to various places.